“Just because y…

“Just because you miss someone, doesn’t mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just a part of moving on.”


I’ve missed a few post so making up for it. Here’s a great quote I ran across to start us off. 🙂

4 thoughts on ““Just because y…

      • For me it was not right but I know people who have gone back and tried again and they made it work. It all depends on the two of you. People only change if they want to, other people can not make you change, nor should they want to. Sometimes it means being the right person not making someone else into who you think they should be. Therapy is always a good place to try.

      • I’ve known a few people to try again. My grandparents were divorced for years and got back together. We did premarital and marriage therapy. Getting back together is not in our horizon but we are great friends surprisingly. And I love what you said about being the right person and not changing the other person. So true!

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