How it went:

Divorce. What a process. It seemed like the paperwork would NEVER end. But I got it done. I researched for months. I did all the paperwork myself, no lawyer. I knew it’d be “simple” in the aspect of a divorce. I knew this because I didn’t want anything. I didn’t want alimony, child support, etc. I just wanted OUT. That’s it. I halfheartedly wished for a little bit of a fight. Just something after months of nothing. But I got nothing as I expected. I filed uncontested. It was simple and uneventful. If I could put his reaction into one statement; it’d be…. “Sure, whatever you want.” It’d been like that all along, even to the end.

It just confirmed to me that I was making the best decision for both of us. I knew he would see that eventually.


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