
Well hello there! Guess I’ll get right to it. I first uttered the “d word” about 8 months into my marriage. I knew it wouldn’t last months before the wedding. I wanted to avoid the embarrassment of cancelling the wedding even at the  cost of my own happiness. Being on this side of the divorce, it wasn’t worth it. I don’t have the usual tales of infidelity or abuse but tons of heartache none the less. When people say you don’t just marry him, you marry the whole family….boy are they right. And when you mix an invasive family and a husband afraid to stand up to them, you’re headed to disaster. I thought and prayed that there would be this magical moment where he would all of a sudden receive the courage to stop the stones being thrown at me by his own family. It never happened. Instead I was disappointed over and over again. He was never going to be that person and I had known that for years. I just kept hoping and expecting him to be able to stand up for anything at all. It wasn’t healthy for both of us. I finally was brave enough or just miserable enough to make the decision for the both of us. And here I am.

Post divorce and happy.

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